Monday, January 20, 2014


Anyone who knows me, knows I am always trying to get rid of things and
It is a constant battle in a house with 6 children under the age of eight!
I try, but never seem to get rid of enough.

Well, today, I have an eye opening conversation with my dear, sweet, smart
Marcus that I would like to share with you it taught us both 
 This little face became the opening of a deep conversation! Thank you Timothy!!  
The conversation goes like this:

 Marcus: "Mommy, why is Timmy always so happy?"
 Me: "Well, it's like this, Timmy is happy because he doesn't have a lot of things to clutter his mind and take away from his happiness and joy. He was born into the world with NO clothing, but a family that loves him.  He doesn't have very many things, and so he doesn't realize the "want/need" for more."
 Marcus: "Oh, I see. Well, he really is happy!"

Marcus with his little brother Timothy, he doesn't know the impact a smile will have!

Me: "Yes, son, he is, and we can be too...we can declutter and get rid of things in order to take our minds off all the things that need to be done or of the things we think we want or need.  We can declutter our house and our mind and be happy!"
 brief silence
Me:  "I have an example I want to share with you Marcus."
Marcus: "Okay." sits and listens again
Me:  "I really was hoping to get a Kindle to get some books downloaded for school and religious reading, BUT, because we have need to keep food on the table, clothes on our backs, heat in the house (top priority) and we need a new vehicle (top priority as well), it isn't possible for mommy to get a Kindle right now, maybe down the road it will happen, (I was looking at the Staples ad last night just to get an idea of the price.) but I really don't care. I don't care because it may make me happy for a short time, but I know in the long run, it will not be the thing that makes me happy. It is another "something" that will take up space, and in the end, I can't take it with me, so does it really matter if I have a Kindle or not? The same goes for you children, more things won't make you happy in the end, only your love for God will do that."
 Marcus: "I see, I guess you are right."
As the conversation ended, I finished changing Timmy's diaper, snapped his outfit back up to keep him warm, Marcus went off to get ready to eat breakfast.
Next thing I do is check my email.  In it was a message from a very special person, asking if I have need for a Kindle.  
Mind you, I NEVER SAID A WORD TO THIS PERSON about wishing I had one for school purposes.
I truly believe that the Holy Spirit had everything to do with all that transpired today from the talk with Marcus down to the email I received.
I will be saying some extra prayers for my benefactor throughout the day and evening.
  I called my husband and told him what happened and he agreed that it was intervention by God and/or the Holy Ghost. And we are being blessed in this

I hope one day you have the benefit of knowing the Spirit the way It has come to me today.  

Thank you Lord for sending such caring people into our lives, and thank you for knowing what our needs are without really saying anything to anyone.

May you all experience a declutter of heart, head and home and be more open to the gifts that God has in store for you!

God bless!

1 comment:

  1. The Hand of God, Marie, it is indeed. I've felt it a few times in my own life, it is amazing isn't it?


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