Thursday, August 14, 2014


There are many questions that go through the mind of parents as they find out there is another baby on the way, some of them are:
Will we have enough love? Can we give each child the attention they need? Will we have enough hugs/kisses? Can we meet their needs? 
I will answer these after giving my experiences with having a large family.

My family
  I had these same questions when we decided to have our family grow, it didn't happen when Marcus was born as Matthew had 15 years to himself with us.  However, I still remember when I found out number three was on the way, we were very happy. When it came time to go to the hospital, I still remember as clear as day, Aunt Jan came as soon as I called to take care of our then 21 month old Marcus.  Brian got the car pulled into the parking lot, I gave Marcus a hug and kiss as well as Aunt Jan.  I got into the car, Brian shut the door, and I got teary...I said, how can we love another? After the delivery of Luke and recovering in the hospital for a few hours, Brian brought Marcus to visit his baby brother. With him, he brought his little New Testament Bible and stood up on a chair to look at the baby, he had the biggest smile on his face and proudly announced the Bible was for "Wookie" (as he was affectionately called at the time pronounced with the you sound).  I knew then, it would be okay.

Fast forward to finding out we were expecting another little person....I again questioned, how will we love this child? How will we do it? They will be closer in age than Marcus and Luke.  We go to deliver and again, there were no issues when the boys came to meet John. 

John with daddy and his brothers.

John meets Thomas

Genevieve Mommy and Becky
Marcus Luke and Genevieve
Timothy and mommy
We were then blessed with Thomas, and later Genevieve, sadly, I miscarried (very early in pregnancy) a child in November of 2012. I remember the sadness and anger I felt. But had to focus on the blessings I was given, there were some tough days. I want to say it gets easier, but you NEVER, EVER forget.  We were going to announce the child at Christmas as part of the children's present. That didn't happen, we had to share sorrow earlier....HOWEVER...A few months later, we were blessed with little Timothy...
a true blessing and joy to anyone who knows him.

NOW on to the answers to the questions... can you love them all? ABSOLUTELY. will they have everything, NO, but they don't need everything. will you have enough hug/kisses? More than enough to go around and more to spare, and the return is even better!! Can we meet their needs? You certainly can!

fun with daddy

A dear friend told me of this example she heard on a talk show, and it was PERFECT! 

When you have a dark room and light a candle, the room gets a little brighter...when you light a second, there is more you light more candles, the room becomes increasingly brighter...this happens to your heart as well...the more children you have, the more hugs you have, the more kisses you have, the more LOVE you is me, 

All I can say, is each child God has blessed us with are amazing, unique individuals, growing up in a family that is full of love! Just enjoy each one for who they are and let your LOVE SHINE.
Remember the song, "This Little Light of Mine"?
Well, that is what they, let the light shine and have fun!

Until next time,
God Bless!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Much has gone on in our state of PA...and in the Little Town That Could, Schuylkill Haven.
Judge Jones allowed same-sex marriage to be legal in the state of PA.

First, let me state that marriage is: the formal union of ONE man and ONE woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife, in order to procreate.
Sure, the people that write the dictionaries can change the meaning of words to make it be acceptable.

Well..A bakery has turned away lesbian couple who wanted a cake for their "ceremony."  The bakery has taken a lot of negative hits...people are saying that they hope this business goes out of business...they should just make the cake...

I personally feel the bakery did the right thing by sticking to their beliefs.

I have had someone ask, what if one of your children say they are gay? My answer? I would still love them, I would sit them down and go back to the basics of our religion and the teachings of the Church, I would pray for that child..that he/she goes to Confession, repents of the sin, avoids the near occasion of sin turn his/her life around.

I truly do not believe God made people gay, I mean, really...If God made Adam in His likeness...that would mean that Adam was made perfect...without sin, he was lonely, so guess what...God presented all the animals and none were pleasing to the eye of Adam, God then put Adam into a deep sleep and took a rib...from that rib, God created woman.....Adam was pleased..God then told them to go and fill the earth.  God didn't make another man for Adam....Sure, Eve was tempted by the devil, and Adam followed suit..they were banned from the Garden of Eden....God did promise them a Saviour...

Guess what?! That Saviour was Jesus Christ....He forgave sins, He obeyed His Father and went obediently to the Cross. On that Cross, Jesus was crucified, through His death on the Cross, He opened the gates of Heaven that were closed. Through His death, He gives us the ability to receive grace, to get the grace, we need to repent of our sins, be truly sorry, confess our sins and avoid the sin and near occasion of sins...we are able to do this through the sacraments that He has given us in the Church...We have the ability to go to CONFESSION, to clean our souls..We can't just say "I accept Jesus as my Savior" won't all be finished.

I am not here to judge anyone, only God can do that...we have 2 judgements to come to us, one at our death and one at the final judgement.  Those who think sodomy is not sinful, you are is sin...(the dictionary even gives this definition: unnatural or abnormal sexual intercourse.)

We can not go to Heaven with sin on our souls, we need to be in the state of grace...No matter how many "good deeds" you have done, will not put you on the path to Heaven....SIN IS SIN, no matter which way you cut it. Sin will put you on the path to Hell.

People are afraid of death, they ignore the truth that someday, we WILL die.  We do have a small say in where we go, Heaven, Purgatory, Hell...these places are real.  Sin will put you on the path to Hell.
People are afraid of death, they ignore the truth that someday, we WILL die.  I pray that I go to Heaven, as well as my family and friends, however, we are not perfect so I expect to go to Purgatory, I sure as hell, don't want to spend eternity in Hell. Do you?

I truly pray that all who are in the state of sin, any kind of find sit down and examine your conscious, be truly sorry, go to confession and stay the path.
These are my beliefs, that is the way it is, so, take it or leave it, who knows, maybe I can help someone get back to the Church.
God Bless....