Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday

As I prepare to go to Mass today, Ash Wednesday,
there is a slight heaviness in my heart that I know will
become heavier through the lenten season, but eventually
lighten up as Easter nears.

Ash Wednesday is a day for me to contemplate the beginning of our Lenten 
observation in preparation for Holy Week and Easter.

We will attend Mass today as a family 
(however, Mr. Fixit, went early because of work)
and receive our ashes.
These ashes that will be placed on our foreheads
are a solid, visible reminder that we were
made from dust and unto dust we shall
Remember that thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return.
 Our children will receive their ashes as well. 
The older 2 know of their meaning, however, the 3 younger ones
won't quite gt it, and probably call it "dirty".
 That is okay.  One day, they too will understand the meaning.

We are reminded also that we are to:
Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.
 During the day, we will abstain from meat, and fast from extra food.
We will prepare ourselves and sacrifice these small pleasures,
knowing it is for the glory of God.

I will spend more time in prayer, and contemplate the Holy Season that is upon 
us. I look forward to having the children grow in their faith as they get older and
gain more knowledge and understanding of the faith as well.  It brings me joy that the 
children do attend Mass on a regular basis, and can say the rosary, know their basic prayers, 
and are not afraid to talk to their Heavenly Father when they feel the need.

It does sadden my heart that there are some out there that do NOT know how good our 
Lord is.  They do not know all the wonderful things He can do for them.


If we have something in our heart or on our soul that needs to be confessed,
there is no need to be afraid.
He can help us in our time of need, we just have to come back to Him. 
He loves us more than we can fathom.
We just need to go to Him and confess our sins, do our penance and not do
that sin again, and avoid sin as much as possible.
God made us human with free will, He knows the struggles we will have, but
He wants us to come to Him with our problems and our joys.

I pray for any family members or friends this Lenten Season that you will come back
to God...I would love to see former Catholics return to full communion with God
this Easter Season, and that will be my prayer as it has been for a long time now.
I know with God, miracles can happen and this can too.
And when it does, I will give Glory to God, and be happy for him that
He has found a lost sheep!

Have a blessed Ash Wednesday, and a very reverent Lenten Season,
there is much for you to contemplate in your lives, so why not start

God Bless, and go get your ashes!

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